Ideas to Help Your Loved One Maintain Emotional Wellbeing and Increase Activities . .
Keep them updated about news events and watch the news then discuss topics Let them participate in decision making and participate in family discussions When they go to the doctors, as long as they are able to comprehend, the doctor should include them when he is explaining a diagnosis or treatment plan Share stories with them Encourage your loved one to tell stories Include your loved one in family functions and invite guests over to visit Bring grandchildren or great grandchildren to visit or take your loved one to visit them Watch re-runs of comedy TV shows like Everybody Loves Raymond Select places they enjoy going such as lunch, social activities, shopping, the park If they are comfortable, pray with them, read spiritual books, the bible, or magazines like Guideposts and take them to a place of worship. If they welcome all or some the opportunities, honor their requests. Rent lighthearted movies or watch the Turner Classic Movie station Play board and card games Order the book, Exercise and Physical Activity: Your Everyday Guide from the National Institute on Aging. Call the Information Center at 1-800-222-2225 or visit /Exercise Keeping elderly people active helps maintain their emotional, mental and physical health. Of course, you will not be able to do all of these things on your own. That is why it is so important to develop a support system. Even if it is a few close friends, neighbors, members of your church community and relatives who you can depend on to help you out. Caregivers must maintain their emotional wellbeing in order to care for their loved ones. Cecelia Salamone is a Licensed Professional Counselor with over 25 years in the field of counseling and rehabilitation. She enjoys attending workshops, seminars and conferences to help enhance her life, keeps her up-to-date on information, and offers the opportunity to network with others in this field. Cecelia was a caregiver for her parents and in-laws and involved in a support group. To make the road easier for her and other caregivers, Cecelia wrote Designated Caregiver - Resource Manual for the Caregiver "On Call 24/7", a hands-on, informative guidebook. The book covers topics relevant to high level care for our loved ones. "Caregiver Inspirations"is dedicated to empower and educate caregivers with information, resources and support. Plus - resource caregiver manual, Life Coaching for Caregivers. Caregiver Inspirations is also beneficial for:
Cecelia Salamone is a Licensed Professional Counselor with over 25 years in the field of counseling and rehabilitation. She enjoys attending workshops, seminars and conferences. Cecelia finds they enhance her life, keeps her up-to-date on information, and offers the opportunity to exchange ideas with others active in this field. Over the past twelve years, she has been a member of the Metro Detroit Creative Writers group (MDCW). Cecelia was a caregiver for her parents and in-laws from 1994-2014 and was involved in a support group.